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Individual Savings Plans, Deloitte 2018

  • Post published:12 September 2018

Thanks to the collaboration with Delotte Italia and the law firm Nctm, JEME had the opportunity to carry out an in-dept research concerning the newborn market of the Individual Saving Plans.

The white paper had been the first in Italy to cover such a topic since the Individual Saving Plans came to birth with the Italian Government Budget law of 2017.

Firstly, the paper focused on analyzing the general and legal framework related to the so called PIRs. Afterwards, JEME team, made up of two project managers and eight consultants, addressed a complete market analysis, the upcoming trends and the strategic implications to deliver useful insights to the client so as to approach this kind of financial instruments.

Despite the initial complexity related to such a niche market, the team managed to gather many data and to present to Deloitte an excellent output, as witnessed by the relevant media attention received (i.e. ANSA, Affaritaliani and Sole 24 Ore). Besides, the main findings of the projects had been pitched in front of key economic players of the sector during two events, held in Milan and Rome.